✅The “Tornado Team” refers to a sub-group of Decepticons in the Transformers franchise, consisting of Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp. These characters are known for their jet forms and their association with the Decepticon Seekers.
Product Name: Tornado Team Starscream Thundercracker Skywarp
Categoría: Creador
This Kit Contains: MS-TOYS MS-B26
300 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Tamaño: 12cm
Instrucciones manuales
📌Naturaleza del protagonista
Introducing our proud collection named “Tornado Team Starscream Thundercracker Skywarp” you should not miss.
Starscream is one of the most prominent Decepticon Seekers and a member of the Tornado Team. He is known for his ambition, treachery, and desire to overthrow Megatron and take command of the Decepticons. Thundercracker is another member of the Tornado Team. He is characterized as a loyal soldier to the Decepticon cause and often serves as an aerial combat specialist. Skywarp is the third member of the Tornado Team. He is known for his teleportation abilities and is often portrayed as the trickster of the group.
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