Sluban M38-B1053 Kryptonian Superman with 538 Pieces

Sluban M38-B1053 Kryptonian Superman with 538 Pieces


Márka: Sluban
Nem: Uniszex
Korosztály: > 6 év
Model Number: M38-B1053
Besorolás: Összeszerelés
Műanyag blokk forma: önzáró tégla
Anyaga: Műanyag
Műanyag típus: ABS
Bricks Blocks: 538 +
Eredeti doboza nincs

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✅SLUBAN M38-B1053 Kryptonian Superman
✅Kryptonians are a fictional extraterrestrial race in the DC Comics universe, and they are best known for being the people of Superman, one of the most iconic superheroes in the world. 
Product Name: Kryptonian Superman
Kategória: Alkotó 

This kit contains: SLUBAN M38-B1053
538 pcs Good Quality Bricks 
Size: 25.9 x 20 cm 
Kézi utasítások 
📌A főszereplő természete 
Introducing our proud collection named “Kryptonian Superman” you should not miss. 
Kryptonians hail from the planet Krypton, a highly advanced and scientifically sophisticated world located in the DC Comics universe. Krypton was ultimately destroyed, leading to the birth of Superman. Kryptonians have a range of superhuman abilities when exposed to the radiation of a yellow sun, such as Earth’s sun. These abilities include super strength, super speed, flight, invulnerability, heat vision, freeze breath, and more. These powers make Kryptonians nearly invincible on Earth. One of the significant weaknesses of Kryptonians is exposure to Kryptonite, fragments of their home planet, which emits radiation harmful to them. Different types of Kryptonite can have various effects, such as weakening or killing Kryptonians.


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