REOBRIX 22026 Grape Harvester With Motor with 2206 Pieces

REOBRIX 22026 Grape Harvester With Motor with 2206 Pieces


Nem: Uniszex
Korhatár: 14 év felett
Model Number: 22026
Besorolás: Összeszerelés
Műanyag blokk forma: önzáró tégla
Anyaga: Műanyag
Műanyag típus: ABS
Bricks Blocks: 2206 +
Eredeti doboza nincs

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✅Reobrix 22026 Grape Harvester With Motor

✅A grape harvester is a specialized agricultural machine designed for efficiently harvesting grapes from vineyards. These machines are particularly useful for large-scale grape production, where manual harvesting would be time-consuming and labor-intensive.


Product Name: Grape Harvester With Motor

Kategória: Műszaki

This Kit Contains: Reobrix 22026 

2206 pcs Good Quality Bricks

Size:  35.8 × 20.6 × 21 cm

Kézi utasítások

📌A főszereplő természete

Introducing our proud collection named “Grape Harvester With Motor” you should not miss.

Grape harvesters use mechanical means to harvest grapes from the vines. Typically, they feature a series of rotating or vibrating rods or paddles that gently shake the grape vines, causing the grapes to fall onto conveyor belts or catchment systems. Grape harvesters are often equipped with adjustable height mechanisms to accommodate different vineyard configurations and grape varieties. This allows the machine to effectively harvest grapes from vines of varying heights and spacings.


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