GULY 80501 Transform Robot Super King Kong with 4160 Pieces

GULY 80501 Transform Robot Super King Kong with 4160 Pieces


Brand: GULY
Nem: Uniszex
Korosztály: 8 év felett
Model Number: 80501
Besorolás: Összeszerelés
Műanyag blokk forma: önzáró tégla
Anyaga: Műanyag
Műanyag típus: ABS
Bricks Blocks: 4160 +
Eredeti doboza nincs

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  • Világszerte házhozszállítással
  • Nyomkövetési szám minden csomaghoz megadva
  • Teljes visszatérítés, ha a terméket nem kapják meg
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✅Guly 80501 Transform Robot Super King Kong
✅”King Kong” is a fictional giant ape that has become an iconic figure in popular culture. The character was first introduced in the 1933 film “King Kong,” directed by Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack. Since then, King Kong has appeared in various films, television series, and other forms of media.
Product Name: Transform Robot Super King Kong
Kategória: Film
This Kit Contains: ZHEGAO 00419 
4160 pcs Good Quality Bricks 
Size: 41.6 × 32.5 × 34.3 cm
Kézi utasítások 
📌A főszereplő természete 
Introducing our proud collection named “Transform Robot Super King Kong” you should not miss. 
The original “King Kong” film tells the story of a giant ape that is captured on a mysterious, uncharted island and brought to New York City, where it escapes and wreaks havoc. King Kong is often portrayed as a colossal, prehistoric ape with human-like intelligence. The character is sympathetic in many portrayals, and the narrative often explores themes of the misunderstood creature facing exploitation and tragedy.