Joytoy JT4201 Wasteland Scavengers- Nikos with 1 Pieces

Joytoy JT4201 Wasteland Scavengers- Nikos with 1 Pieces


Brand: Joytoy
Nem: Uniszex
Korosztály: > 6 év
Model Number: JT4201
Besorolás: Összeszerelés
Műanyag blokk forma: önzáró tégla
Anyaga: Műanyag
Műanyag típus: ABS
Bricks Blocks: 1 +
Eredeti doboza nincs

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✅JOYTOY JT4201 Wasteland Scavengers- Nikos

✅Nikos is a wasteland scavenger in the post-apocalyptic world of Warhammer 40,000. He is known for his exceptional mechanical skills and his ability to salvage and repair almost anything he comes across.
Product Name: Wasteland Scavengers- Nikos
Kategória: Alkotó 
This Kit Contains: JOYTOY JT4201 
1 pcs Good Quality Bricks 
Size: 10.5cm
Kézi utasítások 
📌A főszereplő természete 
Introducing our proud collection named “Wasteland Scavengers- Nikos” you should not miss. 
Nikos was born and raised in the wasteland, and he learned to scavenge and repair from a young age. He has a natural talent for understanding how machines work and how to fix them, which has made him a valuable asset to many wasteland groups. Despite his talent for mechanics, Nikos is not a fighter by nature. He prefers to avoid violence whenever possible, relying instead on his wits and his knowledge to survive. However, when pushed to the limit, Nikos is not afraid to defend himself or his companions, and he is a surprisingly effective fighter when the need arises. Nikos is also known for his sense of humor and his easy-going personality, which make him popular among his fellow scavengers. He is always willing to lend a hand or offer advice, and he has become something of a mentor to younger scavengers who are just starting out.