TIE Bomber. The third model in my exemplary majestic TIEs line up. The two structures are based and joint along with a method outline which makes the model inflexible and strong. The boards are worked with a similar method I’ve utilized in my TIE Interceptor. That makes the upper and lower portions of them secured safely and with the correct edges. The entirety of the subtleties are purposeful – they should take after the genuine worked of this exceptionally fascinating boat with regards to Star Wars universum (credits to Jerac for the motivation on molding of the front of the bomb structure).
It is quite substantial concerning it’s size, which really works out in a good way for the boat’s character. There is a restricted space for a minifig in the cockpit. The model fits entirely any official LEGO sets assortment just as my different TIEs. You may introduce it on a committed showcase stand.
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