✅ In “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” graphic novel series by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill, the “Spirit of Nemo” refers to a concept rather than a specific character. Captain Nemo, originally from Jules Verne’s “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,” plays a central role in the series as a member of the League. However, after his death, his legacy and influence persist through various means, including his technology, ideologies, and even his descendants.
Product Name: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Spirit Of Nemo
Kategória: Műszaki
This Kit Contains: C9871
462 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 18 x 8 x 5 cm
Weight: 0.282 kg
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Introducing our proud collection named “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Spirit Of Nemo” you should not miss.
The “Spirit of Nemo” thus represents more than just the individual Captain Nemo. It embodies his ideals, his inventions, and his lineage, all of which continue to shape the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen’s endeavors. Whether through technology, philosophy, or lineage, Captain Nemo’s legacy remains a potent force within the series, influencing both the narrative and the characters’ motivations as they navigate the intricate and often dangerous world of Victorian-era fiction.
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