✅Johnny Five, also known as Number 5, is a beloved character from the 1986 film Rövidzárlat and its sequel, Short Circuit 2. Designed as a military robot, Johnny Five is a prototype combat unit created by Nova Robotics. However, after being struck by lightning, he gains sentience and begins to develop a personality, exhibiting curiosity, humor, and a desire for life beyond his original programming.
Product Name: Johnny Five
Kategória: Film
This Kit Contains: F-C9225Y02
1176 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 6.4 x 13.3 x 18.5cm
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Introducing our proud collection named “Johnny Five” you should not miss.
Johnny Five is characterized by his distinctive appearance, featuring a boxy metal body, large expressive eyes, and articulated limbs with manipulative fingers. His ability to move quickly and interact with his environment showcases both the advanced technology of his design and the charming personality he develops. As he explores the world around him, he exhibits a childlike wonder, asking questions and seeking to understand human experiences, which serves as a central theme of the films.
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