MOC Factory 89332 Garten of Banban Mr. Kabob Man with 66 Pieces

MOC Factory 89332 Garten of Banban Mr. Kabob Man with 66 Pieces


Márka: MOC Factory
Nem: Uniszex
Korosztály: > 6 év
Model Number: 89332
Besorolás: Összeszerelés
Műanyag blokk forma: önzáró tégla
Anyaga: Műanyag
Műanyag típus: ABS
Bricks Blocks: 66 +
Eredeti doboza nincs

🔒 Biztonságos tranzakció ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Világszerte házhozszállítással
  • Nyomkövetési szám minden csomaghoz megadva
  • Teljes visszatérítés, ha a terméket nem kapják meg
Garantált biztonságos fizetés


✅ MOC-89332 Garten of Banban Mr. Kabob Man

✅Mr. Kabob Man is a metallic, mannequin-like figure with cross eyes, two metal bars for arms, and two wheels as support. There are ropes that help support Mr. Kabob Man as well. It is supposed to mimic Banban as you put Banban’s party hats on it.


Product Name: Garten of Banban Mr. Kabob Man

Kategória: Film

This Kit Contains: C9595Y01

66 pcs Good Quality Bricks

Size: 11.7 x 2.6 x 17.7 cm

Súly: 0,04 kg

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📌A főszereplő természete

Introducing our proud collection named “Garten of Banban Mr. Kabob Man” you should not miss.

Mr. Kabob Man is a character that appears in the Garten of Banban III It appears behind a wall but is inaccessible at first. To get access to him, the Player must give him its “costume”, being 2 party hats. After giving Mr. Kabob Man its costume, it can be clicked on to drive a short bit forward and say a random quote. It also has a button attached to it that, when pressed, will cause a deep-pitched scream to play, which is used to scare a Baby Opila Chick for a mission after this.