MOC Factory 89462 Titanfall 2 Ion osztályú Titan 888 darabbal

MOC Factory 89462 Titanfall 2 Ion osztályú Titan 888 darabbal


Márka: MOC Factory
Nem: Uniszex
Korosztály: 8 év felett
Model Number: 89462
Besorolás: Összeszerelés
Műanyag blokk forma: önzáró tégla
Anyaga: Műanyag
Műanyag típus: ABS
Tégla Tégla: 888+
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✅ MOC-89462 Titanfall 2 Ion-class Titan

✅Titanfall 2 is a first-person shooter video game released in 2016. In the game, players control a pilot, a highly skilled soldier who is capable of jumping between on-foot combat and piloting a massive bipedal war machine known as a Titan.


Product Name: Titanfall 2 Ion-class Titan

Kategória: Alkotó

This Kit Contains: C9352

888 db Jó minőségű tégla

Size: 16 x 10 x 24 cm

Weight: 0.65 kg

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📌A főszereplő természete

Introducing our proud collection named “Titanfall 2 Ion-class Titan” you should not miss.

The Ion-class Titan is one of the six available Titan models in Titanfall 2. It is an energy-based Titan that is equipped with a unique set of weapons and abilities. The Ion’s primary weapon is the Splitter Rifle, which fires a continuous beam of energy that can be charged for more damage. The Ion’s secondary weapon is the Laser Shot, which fires a powerful, single-shot beam of energy.