Pantasy 86311 The Little Prince Suitcase with 500 Pieces

Pantasy 86311 The Little Prince Suitcase with 500 Pieces


Márka: Pantasy
Nem: Uniszex
Korosztály: > 6 év
Model Number: 86311
Besorolás: Összeszerelés
Műanyag blokk forma: önzáró tégla
Anyaga: Műanyag
Műanyag típus: ABS
Tégla Tégla: 500+
Eredeti doboza nincs

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✅ Pantasy 86311 The Little Prince Suitcase
✅The Little Prince Suitcase, also known as “The Little Prince Travel Set,” is a merchandise item inspired by the classic novella “The Little Prince” written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The novella tells the story of a young prince who travels from planet to planet, meeting various characters and learning important life lessons along the way.
Product Name: The Little Prince Suitcase
Kategória: Alkotó 
This Kit Contains: Pantasy 86311
500 db jó minőségű tégla 
Size: 17.3 × 10.3 × 13.7 cm
Kézi utasítások 
📌A főszereplő természete 
Introducing our proud collection named “The Little Prince Suitcase” you should not miss. 
The Little Prince Suitcase is a beautifully designed set that typically includes items such as a small suitcase or box adorned with illustrations and quotes from the book. Inside the suitcase, you may find a variety of related items, such as a hardcover copy of “The Little Prince” with special illustrations, postcards, bookmarks, stickers, and sometimes additional accessories like a keychain or a small plush toy of the Little Prince himself. The purpose of the Little Prince Suitcase is to provide fans of the book with a special collector’s item and a complete set of themed merchandise. It allows readers to immerse themselves in the world of “The Little Prince” and carry a piece of the story with them wherever they go.


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