✅Digimon Adventure is a Japanese anime television series and media franchise created by Akiyoshi Hongo and produced by Toei Animation. The franchise began in 1997 with the release of the first Digimon virtual pet device, and has since expanded to include anime series, films, manga, video games, and other media.
Product Name: Digimon: Yagami Taichi
Categoria: Creatore
This Kit Contains: SEMBO 609301
263 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 6.4 × 7 × 11.5 cm
Istruzioni manuali
📌Natura del protagonista
Introducing our proud collection named “Digimon: Yagami Taichi” you should not miss.
The original Digimon Adventure anime series aired from 1999 to 2000 and follows the adventures of a group of children who are transported to a digital world, where they meet and partner with digital monsters known as “Digimon” to battle evil forces and save both the digital and human worlds.
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