✅A “Fire Ladder Sprinkler Truck” combines two critical firefighting functionalities into one vehicle: firefighting equipment for high-rise buildings (such as a ladder truck) and a sprinkler system for fire suppression.
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Product Name: Fire Ladder Sprinkler Truck With Motor
범주: 기술
This Kit Contains: HAPPY BUILD YC-23004
5133 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 50 × 19 × 25 cm
수동 지침
📌주인공의 성격
Introducing our proud collection named “Fire Ladder Sprinkler Truck With Motor” you should not miss.
Fire Ladder Sprinkler Truck would represent an innovative solution for combating fires in high-rise buildings, combining the reach and accessibility of a ladder truck with the fire suppression capabilities of a sprinkler system to enhance firefighting effectiveness and safety.
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