JAKI 9106 Dismantling Astronauts with 1000 Pieces

JAKI 9106 Dismantling Astronauts with 1000 Pieces


브랜드: 자키
성별: 유니섹스
연령대: > 8세
Model Number: 9106
분류: 조립
플라스틱 블록 모양: 자동 잠금 벽돌
자료: 플라스틱
플라스틱 유형: ABS
벽돌 블록: 1000 +
조각이 변경될 수 있습니다
원래 상자 없음

🔒 안전한 거래 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • 귀하의 문 앞으로 전세계 배송
  • 모든 소포에 추적 번호 제공
  • 제품 미수령 시 전액 환불
안전한 체크아웃 보장


✅ JAKI 9106 Dismantling Astronauts
✅The JAKI 9106 Creator Dismantling Astronauts Building Blocks set is a construction toy that allows you to build and play with astronaut-themed models. 
🚫 중요! 
Product Name: Dismantling Astronauts
카테고리: 크리에이터 
This Kit Contains:  JAKI 9106
1000 PC 좋은 품질의 벽돌 
Size: 15.6 × 12.7 × 24.5 cm
수동 지침 
📌주인공의 성격 
Introducing our proud collection named “Dismantling Astronauts” you should not miss. 
The JAKI 9106 Creator Dismantling Astronauts set consists of building blocks made from ABS plastic. It includes various pieces and components that can be assembled to create different astronaut figures and related structures. Building block sets like this one can provide several educational benefits. They promote fine motor skills, spatial awareness, creativity, and imagination. Additionally, building and playing with astronaut-themed sets can inspire an interest in space exploration and science.


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