MOC-4162 8053: Forwarder Technic by Tomik MOC FACTORY

MOC-4162 8053: Forwarder Technic by Tomik MOC FACTORY


  • 포함하다 1037+ 개
  • PDF 지침서
  • 고품질 ABS 블록
🔒 안전한 거래 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • 귀하의 문 앞으로 전세계 배송
  • 모든 소포에 추적 번호 제공
  • 제품 미수령 시 전액 환불
안전한 체크아웃 보장


This forwarder for shipping logs is roused by Noe NF410 and it’s my first model worked out of in excess of 1000 sections. Forwarder highlights enunciated directing constrained by gear on top of taxi, lifting front edge constrained by hub connector on hood, lifting blast constrained by two apparatuses on side under crane, turning blast constrained by hub connector on side under crane, opening hook constrained by hub connector on side of catch and turning seat in taxi. Model is enhanced with one log.



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