✅”The Mandalorian,” also known simply as “Mando,” is the main protagonist of the popular Star Wars television series titled “The Mandalorian.” The show premiered on the Disney+ streaming platform in November 2019 and quickly became a massive hit among Star Wars fans and general audiences alike.
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Product Name: Star Wars The Mandalorian Mando
범주: 스타워즈
This Kit Contains: C9601
381 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 10 x 8 x 23 cm
무게: 0.16kg
PDF 지침
📌주인공의 성격
Introducing our proud collection named “Star Wars The Mandalorian Mando” you should not miss.
“The Mandalorian” is set in the Star Wars universe, taking place a few years after the events of “Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi” and long before “Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens.” The series follows the adventures of a lone and mysterious Mandalorian bounty hunter, whose real name is Din Djarin, but is commonly referred to as Mando.
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