✅ “Firefly” is a beloved science fiction television series created by Joss Whedon. It first aired in 2002 and has since gained a dedicated fanbase despite its short run. The series is set in a future where humanity has colonized a new star system, and it follows the adventures of the crew of the spaceship Serenity.
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Product Name: Firefly Serenity
범주: 영화
This Kit Contains: C10041
2815 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 56 x 34 x 18 cm
Weight: 2.225 kg
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Introducing our proud collection named “Firefly Serenity” you should not miss.
The Serenity is a Firefly-class transport ship, named after the Battle of Serenity Valley, a significant event in the show’s lore. The ship’s design is inspired by the firefly insect, with its tail section lighting up similarly. It’s known for its durability and versatility, often used for smuggling and transport. Serenity is a mid-sized vessel that includes cargo bays, living quarters, a medical bay, a kitchen, a common area, and a cockpit. Its design allows for both functionality and comfort for its crew. The ship is powered by a fusion reactor, with an efficient propulsion system allowing for long-distance space travel.
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