✅In the video game series “Titanfall” developed by Respawn Entertainment, the Vanguard-class Titan MOB-1316 is a fictional giant robotic unit known as a Titan. In the game, players can pilot these Titans, which are powerful combat mechs equipped with advanced weaponry and capabilities.
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Product Name: Vanguard-class Titan MOB-1316 from Titanfall
범주: 영화
This Kit Contains: C9582
976 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 24.2 x 14.4 x 26.9 cm
무게: 0.45kg
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📌주인공의 성격
Introducing our proud collection named “Vanguard-class Titan MOB-1316 from Titanfall” you should not miss.
“Titanfall” and its sequel, “Titanfall 2,” have received critical acclaim for their innovative gameplay mechanics, seamless integration of pilot and Titan combat, and immersive multiplayer experience. The Vanguard-class Titan MOB-1316 is just one of several Titan types available in the games, each contributing to the diverse and action-packed gameplay of the series.
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