✅Lucas and Findley are two characters from the animated series “Lucas the Spider.” The series features a cute and lovable spider named Lucas who embarks on various adventures and encounters different creatures in his surroundings.
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Product Name: Lucas And Findley from Lucas the Spider
범주: 영화
This Kit Contains: C9423
125 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 9.2 x 9.1 x 5.8 cm
무게: 0.06kg
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Introducing our proud collection named “Lucas And Findley from Lucas the Spider” you should not miss.
Lucas is the main character and the titular spider of the series. He is portrayed as a small, furry, and expressive spider with large eyes that give him an endearing appearance. Lucas is known for his curiosity, innocent nature, and friendly personality. Throughout the series, he often finds himself in amusing or unexpected situations, showcasing his adorable antics. Findley is Lucas’ best friend and sidekick. Findley is a friendly and helpful firefly with a glowing tail. He assists Lucas in his adventures, guiding him through the darkness and providing light. Findley’s presence brings warmth and brightness to the scenes, and he adds an extra level of companionship to Lucas’ journey.
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