✅Chucky, also known as “The Lakeshore Strangler,” is a fictional character and the main antagonist of the “Child’s Play” horror film series. The “Child’s Play” franchise, created by Don Mancini, centers around the malevolent doll possessed by the soul of a serial killer. Chucky has become one of the most iconic and recognizable horror movie villains.
Product Name: Horror Chucky Childs Play
Kategori: Film
This Kit Contains: C9627
292 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 11.9 x 10.3 x 16.3 cm
Weight: 0.17 kg
📌Protagonistens natur
Introducing our proud collection named “Horror Chucky Childs Play” you should not miss.
Chucky starts as a seemingly innocent “Good Guy” doll named Charles Lee Ray, the name of the serial killer who transferred his soul into the doll using voodoo rituals just before his death. Once inhabited by the soul of Charles Lee Ray, Chucky becomes a malevolent, homicidal doll with a thirst for murder. He exhibits a sinister and sadistic personality, killing anyone who stands in his way. Chucky is known for his chilling catchphrase, “Hi, I’m Chucky! Wanna play?” He often uses it before attacking his victims. Despite his small size, Chucky is highly intelligent and resourceful, using his doll appearance to deceive and surprise his victims.
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