✅In the 1980s television series “The A-Team,” the iconic van used by the protagonists was a black and metallic gray 1983 GMC Vandura G-Series. The A-Team, consisting of Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith, Lieutenant Templeton “Faceman” Peck, Captain H.M. “Howling Mad” Murdock, and Sergeant Bosco Albert “B.A.” Baracus, used the van as their primary mode of transportation as they traveled across the country while evading capture for crimes they did not commit.
Product Name: The A-Team GMA Van GMC G-Series
Kategori: Teknikk
This Kit Contains: C9944
1521 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 157 x 67 x 37 cm
Weight: 1.22 kg
📌Protagonistens natur
Introducing our proud collection named “The A-Team GMA Van GMC G-Series” you should not miss.
The van was heavily customized with various features, including a distinctive red stripe, rooftop spoiler, alloy rims, and a sunroof. Inside, the van was equipped with a wide array of tools and gadgets necessary for the A-Team’s missions, often helping them to outmaneuver adversaries and complete their objectives.
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