CaDa C61054 Articulated Dump Truck Car with 3067 Pieces
$214.12 Kjøp

CaDa C61054 Articulated Dump Truck Car with 3067 Pieces


Merke: CaDa
Kjønn: Unisex
Aldersgruppe: > 6 år gammel
Model Number: C61054
Klassifisering: Montering
Plastblokkform: Selvlåsende murstein
Materiale: Plast
Plasttype: ABS
Bricks Blocks: 3067 +
Med motor

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✅ CaDA C61054 Articulated Dump Truck Car
✅ An Articulated Dump Truck (ADT) is a heavy-duty off-road vehicle that is commonly used for transporting bulk materials such as earth, sand, gravel, rocks, and debris. It consists of two parts – a cab and a dump body, which are connected by a pivot joint. The pivot joint allows the ADT to articulate, or bend, in the middle, which gives it greater maneuverability on uneven and rough terrain.
Product Name: Articulated Dump Truck Car
Kategori: Teknikk
This Kit Contains:  CaDA C61054
3067 pcs Good Quality Bricks 
Size: 63.2 × 19.7 × 21 cm
Manuelle instruksjoner 
📌Protagonistens natur 
Introducing our proud collection named “Articulated Dump Truck Car” you should not miss. 
The dump body is located at the rear of the vehicle and is capable of being raised to dump its contents onto the ground or into a designated area. ADTs are commonly used in construction, mining, quarrying, and other heavy-duty applications where the transport of large amounts of material is required. They are often used in combination with other heavy machinery, such as excavators and bulldozers, to complete tasks such as earthmoving, grading, and excavation.