Forange FC6201 Red Tyrannosaurus with 1756 Pieces
$95.40 Kjøp

Forange FC6201 Red Tyrannosaurus with 1756 Pieces


Merke: Forange
Kjønn: Unisex
Aldersgruppe: > 6 år gammel
Model Number: FC6201
Klassifisering: Montering
Plastblokkform: Selvlåsende murstein
Materiale: Plast
Plasttype: ABS
Bricks Blocks: 1756 +
Ingen original eske

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✅ Forange FC6201 Red Tyrannosaurus
✅Tyrannosaurus is a genus of large, carnivorous theropod dinosaurs that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 68 to 66 million years ago. The most famous and well-known species within this genus is Tyrannosaurus rex, often referred to as T. rex.
Product Name: Red Tyrannosaurus
Kategori: Skaper 
This Kit Contains: Forange FC6201
1756 pcs Good Quality Bricks 
Manuelle instruksjoner 
📌Protagonistens natur 
Introducing our proud collection named “Red Tyrannosaurus” you should not miss. 
Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest land predators that ever existed, with estimates suggesting it reached lengths of up to 40 feet (12 meters) and stood about 15 to 20 feet (4.6 to 6 meters) tall at the hip. It had a massive skull with large, serrated teeth, powerful jaws, and a strong bite force. Its forelimbs were relatively small, while its hind limbs were robust and built for powerful running.