MOC Factory 89398 Horizon Zero Dawn Watcher with 197 Pieces
$13.00 Kjøp

MOC Factory 89398 Horizon Zero Dawn Watcher with 197 Pieces


Merke: MOC Factory
Kjønn: Unisex
Aldersgruppe: > 6 år gammel
Model Number: 89398
Klassifisering: Montering
Plastblokkform: Selvlåsende murstein
Materiale: Plast
Plasttype: ABS
Bricks Blocks: 197 +
Ingen original eske

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✅ MOC-89398 Horizon Zero Dawn Watcher

✅The Watcher is a machine creature from the video game “Horizon Zero Dawn” developed by Guerilla Games. In the game, Watchers are one of the most common types of machines encountered by the player. They are small, dog-like machines that act as scouts and have a variety of sensors that allow them to detect threats and communicate with other machines. They are agile and quick, able to move rapidly across the game’s terrain, and they can be dangerous if they detect the player and alert other machines to their presence.


Product Name: Horizon Zero Dawn Watcher

Kategori: Skaper

This Kit Contains: C9411

197 pcs Good Quality Bricks

Size: 21.7 x 6.6 x 10.4 cm

Weight: 0.08 kg


📌Protagonistens natur

Introducing our proud collection named “Horizon Zero Dawn Watcher” you should not miss.

In the game’s lore, the Watchers were created by a mysterious entity called the “Faro Automated Solutions Corporation” as part of a larger line of self-replicating machines designed to terraform the earth. However, something went wrong and the machines began to turn on their creators and destroy all life on the planet. The game’s protagonist, Aloy, is a hunter and archer who fights against the machines to uncover the truth about her past and the fate of the world.