✅Chainsaw Man” is a manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It follows the story of a young man named Denji who lives a difficult life as a devil hunter, working to pay off his late father’s debts. However, after an encounter with a devil and his chainsaw-dog named Pochita, Denji gains the power to transform into a chainsaw-wielding devil himself.
Product Name: Chainsaw Man Denji And Power
Kategori: Film
This Kit Contains: MOC-89479
343 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 4.8 x 4.8 x 8 cm
Vekt: 0,16 kg
📌Protagonistens natur
Introducing our proud collection named “Chainsaw Man Denji And Power” you should not miss.
Power is one of the key characters in the Chainsaw Man series. She is a devil who takes the form of a young girl and has the power to transform her arms into powerful, energy-based weapons. Power is initially introduced as a ruthless and aggressive devil hunter who becomes an ally to Denji after forming a contract with him.
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