Pantasy 11002 China Southern Airlines ARJ21 med 3000 stykker
$116.83 Kjøp

Pantasy 11002 China Southern Airlines ARJ21 med 3000 stykker


Merke: Pantasy
Kjønn: Unisex
Aldersgruppe: > 6 år gammel
Model Number: 11002
Klassifisering: Montering
Plastblokkform: Selvlåsende murstein
Materiale: Plast
Plasttype: ABS
Bricks Blocks: 3000 +
Ingen original eske
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✅ Pantasy 11002 China Southern Airlines ARJ21
✅The China Southern Airlines ARJ21 is a regional jet airliner manufactured by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC). It is a twin-engine, single-aisle aircraft designed for short- to medium-haul flights, with a range of up to 3,700 kilometers (2,300 miles) and a capacity of up to 90 passengers, depending on the seating configuration.
Product Name: China Southern Airlines ARJ21
Kategori: Teknikk
This Kit Contains: Pantasy 11002
3000 pcs Good Quality Bricks 
Size: 46.7 × 44.7 × 31 cm

Weight 1.011 kg

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📌Protagonistens natur 
Introducing our proud collection named “China Southern Airlines ARJ21” you should not miss. 
The ARJ21 is notable for being the first commercial airliner designed and manufactured entirely in China, with the goal of reducing China’s reliance on foreign aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing and Airbus. The program was launched in 2002, and the first ARJ21 entered service with Chengdu Airlines in 2016.