TUOLE LZ7001 SUGO Asurada Team Future GPX Cyber Formula Asurada G.S.X With Motor with 3768 Pieces
$214.11 Kjøp

TUOLE LZ7001 SUGO Asurada Team Future GPX Cyber Formula Asurada G.S.X With Motor with 3768 Pieces


Merke: TUOLE
Kjønn: Unisex
Aldersgruppe: > 8 år gammel
Model Number: LZ7001
Klassifisering: Montering
Plastblokkform: Selvlåsende murstein
Materiale: Plast
Plasttype: ABS
Bricks Blocks: 3768 +
Ingen original eske

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✅TUOLE LZ7001 SUGO Asurada Team Future GPX Cyber Formula Asurada G.S.X With Motor

✅SUGO is one of the racing teams featured in “Future GPX Cyber Formula.” They are a prominent team in the Cyber Formula racing league and play a significant role in the series. The team is named after its primary sponsor, SUGO Corporation, which is a fictional conglomerate in the Cyber Formula universe.


Product Name: SUGO Asurada Team Future GPX Cyber Formula Asurada G.S.X With Motor

Kategori: Teknikk

This Kit Contains: TUOLE LZ7001

3768 pcs Good Quality Bricks

Size:  55.5 × 42.5 × 14.7 cm

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📌Protagonistens natur

Introducing our proud collection named “SUGO Asurada Team Future GPX Cyber Formula Asurada G.S.X With Motor” you should not miss.

Asurada G.S.X is the name of the advanced racing car used by the SUGO Asurada Team in “Future GPX Cyber Formula.” It is a highly sophisticated and technologically advanced machine designed for high-speed racing in the Cyber Formula league. The Asurada G.S.X is known for its sleek design, cutting-edge performance capabilities, and innovative features, which make it a formidable competitor on the track.