✅”SPY x FAMILY” is a popular manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo. “SPY x FAMILY” follows the story of Twilight, a master spy who is assigned a critical mission: to infiltrate an elite private school and gather information about a political figure. To maintain his cover, Twilight needs to create the facade of a normal family. In a twist of fate, he adopts a young girl named Anya from an orphanage and decides to marry a woman named Yor Forger, who happens to be a skilled hitwoman.
Product Name: SPY x FAMILY
Kategorie: Film
This Kit Contains: KALOS BLOCKS 33004
677 Stück Steine von guter Qualität
Size: 19 × 12 cm
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📌Natur des Protagonisten
Introducing our proud collection named “SPY x FAMILY” you should not miss.
The catch is that Yor is also hiding her true identity, and she is determined to keep her profession a secret from her new husband. Meanwhile, Anya is a telepathic child who can read minds, adding another layer of complexity to their already precarious situation. As the unlikely family navigates their double lives, they find themselves entangled in humorous and heartwarming situations, all while facing the challenges of maintaining their cover identities. Along the way, they develop genuine bonds with each other, forming a unique and unconventional family unit.
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