✅The Titan Speakerman is a massive humanoid robotic entity, composed of an extensive array of loudspeakers and other robust mechanical units, assembled from the components of the Speakermen, manufactured by The Alliance. However, the Titan currently maintains a significant role as of one of the many prime antagonists, supported by the Skibidi Toilets.
Product Name: Skibidi Toilet Speakerman Titan
Catégorie : Film
This Kit Contains: C9634Y03
459 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 18 x 12.4 x 27 cm
Weight: 0.27 kg
Instructions PDF
📌Nature du protagoniste
Introducing our proud collection named “Skibidi Toilet Speakerman Titan” you should not miss.
The Titan Speakerman debut was in Episode 26, where it emerged into the scene while blasting Tears for Fears’ “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”. Subsequently, it aligned itself with The Alliance, managing the position as the forefront Titan during the temporary absence of the Titan Cameraman. However, its allegiance was short-lived as it became Infected during Skibidi Toilet 32, turning hostile towards The Alliance, as well as anyone who opposes the Skibidi Toilets.
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