✅Astro Boy, also known as “Tetsuwan Atom” in Japan, is a famous and iconic manga and anime character created by Osamu Tezuka. Astro Boy holds a significant place in the history of both manga and anime and has been a cultural phenomenon for many decades.
Product Name: Astro Boy Music Box
Catégorie : Film
This Kit Contains: Sluban Pleyerid M38-P8008
1000 briques de bonne qualité.
Size: 14.7 × 14.7 × 24.4 cm
Instructions manuelles
📌Nature du protagoniste
Introducing our proud collection named “Astro Boy Music Box” you should not miss.
Astro Boy first appeared in 1952 as a manga (Japanese comic) created by Osamu Tezuka, often referred to as the “God of Manga.” The character was later adapted into an anime series. The story is set in a futuristic world where robots and humans coexist. Astro Boy is a highly advanced robot with human-like emotions and abilities. He was created by Dr. Tenma, a scientist grieving the loss of his own son. Astro Boy embarks on adventures, fighting villains and robots that threaten peace.
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