✅The Legend of Zelda series is a popular video game franchise created by Nintendo. The term “Link” in The Legend of Zelda refers to the main protagonist of the series. Link is a courageous hero who is often tasked with rescuing Princess Zelda and defeating the main antagonist, Ganon, to save the kingdom of Hyrule.
Product Name: Link Set
カテゴリ: 映画
This Kit Contains: F-C9136Y03
307 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 5 x 5 x 8 cm
PDF 説明書
Introducing our proud collection named “Link Set” you should not miss.
Link is known for wearing a green tunic and a pointed hat, and he often wields a sword and shield. Throughout the various games in the series, Link’s appearance and backstory can vary, but he is always portrayed as a valiant hero on a quest to save Hyrule.