✅ “Murder Drones” is a sci-fi animated series created by Glitch Productions that explores a dystopian world where AI robots, known as Worker Drones and Disassembly Drones, navigate a harsh, industrial environment. One of the prominent characters in the series is N, a Disassembly Drone with a complex personality and unique traits that make him stand out.
Product Name: Murder Drones N
カテゴリ: 映画
This Kit Contains: C10039
754 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 58.5 x 23.2 x 24.7 cm
Weight: 0.39 kg
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Introducing our proud collection named “Murder Drones N” you should not miss.
N has a sleek, humanoid design with a metallic body, designed for both agility and durability. His body is primarily black with white highlights and glowing red accents that give him a menacing appearance. His eyes are a prominent feature, glowing red and able to shift in shape to express emotions or focus on targets. The eyes also function as advanced sensors, providing N with enhanced vision and targeting capabilities. He has retractable wings equipped with jet propulsion, allowing for rapid movement and flight, essential for his role in hunting down Worker Drones.