✅ 中 Avatar (2009), director James Cameron introduces an expansive sci-fi world filled with advanced human technology juxtaposed with the natural beauty of Pandora. The story’s villains, representing the militaristic and exploitative RDA (Resources Development Administration), use various mechanized vehicles to assert dominance and control over the planet’s native Na’vi population.
Product Name: AvatarAMP Suit Quaritch RDA Helicopter Aerospatiale SA-2 Samson
カテゴリ: 映画
This Kit Contains: F-C9917
718 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Weight: 0.6 kg
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Introducing our proud collection named “ AvatarAMP Suit Quaritch RDA Helicopter Aerospatiale SA-2 Samson ” you should not miss.
AMP Suit (Amplified Mobility Platform): The AMP Suit is a large, human-piloted exoskeleton used by the RDA for combat, heavy lifting, and operations on Pandora’s rugged terrain. Standing around 4 meters tall, it acts as a powerful, armored extension of the pilot’s movements, equipped with heavy weaponry and a knife, giving it an intimidating, militaristic presence. Operated by Colonel Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang), the AMP suit becomes a formidable weapon, especially in the climactic battle scenes where it is pitted against Pandora’s wildlife and the Na’vi. Colonel Miles Quaritch: As the main antagonist, Quaritch is a hardened, determined soldier leading the RDA’s private military. He’s known for his unyielding approach and willingness to use Pandora’s resources without regard for its inhabitants. Quaritch operates his AMP Suit with ease, turning it into a symbol of his character’s ruthless, violent nature and his mission to secure the planet’s resources at all costs. RDA Helicopter (Aerospatiale SA-2 Samson): The SA-2 Samson is a rotorcraft that serves as a multi-role utility vehicle for the RDA. It’s capable of transporting troops, carrying cargo, and engaging in aerial combat. Its dual rotor system and rugged design allow it to maneuver in Pandora’s challenging environment, flying through dense forests and canyons with relative ease. The Samson is often equipped with machine guns and rocket pods, making it a versatile, reliable vehicle for both logistical and combat purposes.