✅ The Mystery Shack is a central location in the animated television series Gravity Falls, created by Alex Hirsch. Situated in the fictional town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, the Mystery Shack is a tourist trap owned by the eccentric and often humorous character Stan Pines, along with his grandnephews Dipper and Mabel Pines. The Shack serves as a hub for the series’ supernatural and mysterious elements, offering a variety of oddities, curiosities, and artifacts that attract visitors seeking to experience the strange phenomena of the area.
Product Name: Gravity Falls Mystery Shack
カテゴリ: 映画
This Kit Contains: C10043
2234 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 30 x 32 x 28.1 cm
Weight: 1.97 kg
PDF 説明書
Introducing our proud collection named “Gravity Falls Mystery Shack” you should not miss.
The exterior of the Mystery Shack is characterized by its quirky, rustic appearance, featuring mismatched signage, wooden structures, and an overall whimsical charm. Inside, the Shack is filled with an array of bizarre items, from taxidermy creatures to mysterious artifacts, each adding to the show’s quirky humor and sense of adventure. The Shack serves not only as a business but also as a home for the characters, providing a warm and chaotic environment where much of the show’s action takes place.