✅ Smiling Friends is an animated series created by Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack, known for its dark humor, absurdist comedy, and distinctive art style. The show follows a group of quirky characters working for a company called Smiling Friends, whose primary job is to make people happy, even though their methods and personalities often lead to bizarre and sometimes dark situations.
Product Name: Smiling Friends Glep Pim Charlie Alan Mr Frog
Category: Movie
This Kit Contains: C10204Y01
603 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 5.2 x 6.4 x 8.5 cm
Weight: 0.33 kg
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📌Nature of the protagonist
Introducing our proud collection named “ Smiling Friends Glep Pim Charlie Alan Mr Frog ” you should not miss.
Glep is a rather unusual and goofy character in Smiling Friends, known for his strange, alien-like appearance. He is often seen working as a low-level employee at Smiling Friends. Pim is one of the two main characters who run Smiling Friends alongside Charlie. He is a short, orange, and somewhat hyperactive figure with a somewhat carefree and often reckless attitude. Charlie is the other main character of Smiling Friends, working alongside Pim. He is more grounded compared to Pim, but still partakes in the oddities of their job. Alan is another employee of Smiling Friends. He’s a strange and somewhat mysterious character who doesn’t speak much and is often seen as a bit of an outsider. Mr. Frog is a character in Smiling Friends who is known for his energetic and bizarre personality. He’s a recurring character who brings a lot of the show’s signature absurdity and randomness.
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